Hey,Golden Gators.
First thing I got to say is that Golden Gators rock and they do it hard. I want to keep it conversational, but the powers that be need me to tighten up this blog.
So, in the goal of delivering information to the rocker legions of San Francisco, I will make this blog clearer.
As the lyrics go from the Tatanka Iyotake song go, "I'm storming the castle as a wolf howls, I rush on the holves of a ram, and than I take the gate, and I take the gate, and I take the gate."
As long as I stay determined I will triumph.
Golden Gators, on the night of February 23, 2007, we did take that gate and we did dominate. The cops barely stopped us, and no one got in any trouble. The night was a definite success, and it is because you the people made it happen. 2427 Mission street was on fire with a passion that burned deeply and truly in the souls of those who attended the party on Saturday night.
Next week, the rock will be going down at Fort Faxon. A welcoming location at the corner of Faxon Avenue and Holloway Ave, directly up the street from SFSU.
I expect every student and staff with two legs to be up at Fort Faxon on March 1st, 2008. Don't let this one get away Golden Gator Rockers. You have to be ruthless in your quest for rock. In the name of Ronnie James Dio, I summon the blessing from the pagan fire that burns in the depths of the earth's deepest underwater valcanoes.
For the blaze shall have its day.
In the mean time check out my podcast at mypodcast.net.
Tony Fantano's Powercast is up and running and can barely be contained in digital medium of the internet. Enjoy my friends.