Thursday, January 31, 2008

A Salute to fellow Rockers

This Guy is such a Bad Ass and is at one of the many pinnacles on the ancient but epic pathway to Rock n Roll Glory.
Look out for the next couple posts because they will be coming at you hard and fast like the music we adore. Yeah Baby, He's got the horns: The Rocker Salute.

There is some free rock going down

Golden Gators,
There is some awesome rock n roll going down in San Francisco on Saturday Feb 2nd, in the Mission District. There will be a lot of people and a lot rocking. Everyone is welcome even if your not a Golden Gator from SF State. The show is free so there is no reason for you not to go. My personal band will be playing Tatanka Iyotake.
If you are free on Saturday around 8pm you should call me for directions. To get there you have to take a right on Mission St. a left on Maynard and than a right on Gladstone. Call me at 415-279-8586 for the actual adress.